Tag Archives: Beer

Step Back in Brewers Time with Cantillon

Cantillon is perhaps the best hidden gem inside the Brussels city limits.  Located an easy stroll from the Brussels-South railway station, Cantillon is a must see site for any beer lover visiting Brussels.  It’s so conveniently located near the train station that … Continue reading

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My Quest for Westvleteren 12

Westvleteren, perhaps one of the most elusive beers to try and enjoy, is tucked far away from the major Belgium cities and not near any public transportation. The beer is not distributed commercially so having one is the ultimate notch … Continue reading

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Oktoberfest – Ein Prosit!

“Der Gemütlichkeit,” perhaps my favorite German phrase, has no direct translation into English from German.  A guide told me once it means “The essence of getting tipsy with your friends while drinking beer in a garden.”  Oktoberfest is the perfect way … Continue reading

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